Monday, July 30, 2007

new travel blog

Since blogspot seems to be the friendliest in uploading photos, I decided to make it my travel blog :) As blogspot is too public, all contents will undergo strict censorship. In other words, for detailed updates, you know where to go ;)

Prior to departure, here are some photo updates of my holidays in recent weeks. Official travel blogging starts after 1 August :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

photo updates

photo updates of what I've been doing for the past few weeks (not in chronological order):

Lianne's 21st Bdae -
Chocolate Buffet @ The Fullerton Hotel
the chocolate dessert table - sinful indulgence!
the chocolate fountain and fondue table
FOC 2005! (or what's left of it)
The lit people - Liz & Aud
CSS peeps

Walas with elit(e) and others
sorry steph for posting this unglam shot of u. its the only one with all 5 of us in it!

Miss Clarity Cafe (in place of our Dimsum Buffet)
remnants of the hyped up bread and butter pudding
Bangers and Mash shared by Joanne and I

met up with JC friends at Hogsbreath steak sandwich. good food, good service. the portions remind me of what
awaits me in US! *think of the fats* -shudders-
rarely get to see these babes...

July babies' Birthday celebrations The July Babies!
Wednesday CGLs @ Cafe Cartel :)

for more pictures please visit: which will be constantly updated

MOE school attachment

School attachment is finally over and I survived all 4 weeks of stress as well as fun and laughter. Made some really good friends which I hope will last for a long long time. :) Here are some snippets of my attachment memories:
My MOE school attachment friends, the fantastic four, without whom I wouldn't have been able to survive my attachment. I really love these guys :)
[left to right] Crystal, Zhi Xian, Myself, Reuben
starring Crystal and I (at Park Royal Hotel) Crystal's my project-mate cum bestfriend in HS cum girl-talk buddy, one of the most important person during this attachment :) She and I are uncannily similar in every way (other than our taste in guys! heh)
some of us female teachers (from left to right) myself, crystal, Sirui (aka ah lian), Renee and Zuraida (aka Mummy cos she has 3 kids!)
That's the long communal table shared among all 12 of us NIE attachment teachers and MOE scholar/awardees. It's where we share gossips, complaints, jokes, and even food! It is also where we rushed for project reports and presentation, as well as slack moments like reading comics, watching dvd, looking at photos etc. :)
The thorn among the roses: Guang Ming. He studies literature! (I just had to mention it :P) and fyi, he's not standing on any stool, he's 2 metres tall!
NIE teachers and MOE Scholars/Awardees. The most fun people to be with! Our first outing to Park Royal Hotel's High Tea Buffet :) Teachers have a life too!
Don't we look so teacher-like?
Visit to Ren Ci Day Care Centre with the TOLC students
Our project's proudest achievement, Lydia - the TOLC pioneer graduate

Saturday, July 28, 2007

New York

New York pictures finally up! Sorry I took so long. Hotel internet costs money, tour's been extremely tight, packed, hectic and tiring. We wake up at 5am every morning. Took too many pictures I had to painstakingly sift through all of them and choose the nicer ones. Probably won't have time for that for subsequent posts. New York is gorgeous and beautiful, but the tour did not do any justice whatsoever to the place. I barely had the chance to soak in the atmosphere, relish in the culture, experience the nightlife and feel New York for what it is. Backpacking would have made all the difference. I would have uploaded more photos but its late and I'll be attempting to wake up at 6.30am for a morning jog. (whether it materialises is, of course, another issue) till then, enjoy! :)
Ripley's Believe It Or Not, just beside Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, but we didn't have time to visit
Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum
Jessica Simpson
Charlie Chaplin

Spice girls, my girlhood obsession

Beyonce, star of the show
Johnny Depp, looking so good, even in wax!

Paris Hilton and my half-hearted imitation
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Robbie Williams

Jennifer Lopez
look at her ass!

my cousin, Grace and Julia Roberts
Jennifer Aniston and I
my cousin, Anthony and Chris Tucker
isn't she hot?
another cathedral
on top of a tower overlooking the city landscape 'top of the rock'
National Museum of Metropolitan Art
this painting reminds me of Jane Eyre
typical portrait of a 19th Century governess
Mother Mary and Baby Jesus
epitome of sweetness and docility
realistic-looking painting of Versailles (frontview)
realistic-looking painting of Versailles (backview)
marble statue of a beautiful lady
19th Century layout of a living room. I wish I lived in that era!
the egyptian section of the museum

United Nations Headquarters
my cousin, Anthony and I
a badly taken shot of 'ground zero' from the bus
Dunkin' Donuts! I was craving for donuts upon reaching US, but...
after I got a bite of this extremely rich, sinful, indulgent, sickeningly sweet, strawberry donut, I got so sick I never got near another donut stall again
on board South St. Seaport Statue of Liberty Tour
my cousin, Grace and I

old prison building
old immigration building, where foreigners had to go for checks before entering mainland the statue of liberty
statue of liberty with helicopter in the backdrop (that's how tight security is)

another bridge featured in X-Men
Brooklyn Bridge in daytime
Helicopter landing (where President Bush lands when he comes to NY)
the building on the left is entirely solar-powered
city landscape
a photo with a cute policeman! :P everyone was queueing to take pictures with him I think his job became modelling for others rather than looking out for terrorists. haha
this is how tight security was

St Patrick's Cathedral
(the catholic churches in US are grandiose, magnificent and majestic. yet... the population often comprises of the elderly only)
Donald Trump's building
building where George Washington resided in the past
security in NYC is extremely tight. you'll see a police car and police man at every turn.
gate to a bridge at Chinatown

Brooklyn Bridge (at night)
Times Square - very happening at night but we didn't get a chance to experience much of it
Times Square - landscape of NY mainly skyscrapers View of the sunset from our hotel
Radisson Hotel in NYC